Angelina's review of Dante.
Creator of sinfully scandalous mystery thrillers
Podcast Host: Back Porch Writer and Womanly Art of Self-Defense
Editor: Kori Miller Writes
Author of:
Hush: A Dezeray Jackson Novel
Deadly Sins I: A Dezeray Jackson Mini-Series
Deadly Sins II: A Dezeray Jackson Mini-Series
Deadly Sins Complete: A Dezeray Jackson Mini-Series, Box Set
My life in black and white: A book of experiences
Kori creates memorable adventures for children at Kori Miller Kid Lit
Interview Conducted by:
1. What is your inspiration for writing?
I love this question! Several people, places, animals, and things inspire me to write. Sometimes, all it takes is a name. From there, a story unfolds. For example, my National Novel Writing Month project in 2013 was "Archer Jaxson and the Compass Wars." A day or so before NaNoWriMo began, I decided to participate, but all I had were two names. I didn't have a story. I knew I wanted to venture out of my comfort zone and write Scifi. I also knew that I wanted Archer's story to include a character of mine from another series (Dezeray Jackson) I was writing. The name "Archer Jaxson" makes me think "adventure."
2. What age did you start writing?
The first actual story I remember writing and illustrating (badly) was about a dog who loved to chase cars. It didn't end well. I was in grade school -- maybe 5th, maybe younger. I still have it in a box somewhere. Ever since I could hold a pen, I'd pretend to write. My scribbles meant something on the paper, even if I was the only one who could interpret them.
3. What was your inspiration for Dante?
DANTE came about because I had two ferrets: Jester, and then, Puck. Watching them, and remembering what it was like to find them in a pet store, made me realize that I had a story to tell. DANTE is a mixture of both of their personalities.
4. Where do you write?
Most of the time, I sit at my kitchen table. We have a set of floor-to-ceiling windows that allow me to see our backyard. It's amazing! Sometimes I hear (and then see) bluejays stealing cat food off of our deck. Other times I hear the strange cluck sound from wild turkeys roaming. The first time I heard their call, I had no idea what was making the noise. My middle grade novel, The Coyote Wars, originated from me hearing a group of coyotes yipping from across the road from our house. In the third DANTE book, he meets some of those coyotes. (Neither of these books are ready for publication. Dante in the Cold, Dark Night needs illustrations, and The Coyote Wars has been in a semi-constant state of revision.)
5. How many books have you written?
I've written more than I've published. I've published six books, but only one of those is a children's book. My other children's books either need illustrations, or still are in rivision. They are: Splash! (needs illustrations) Dante in the Woods (needs illustrations) Dante in the Cold, Dark Night - working title (needs illustrations) The Coyote Wars (in revision and needs some illustrations) Archer Jaxson and the Compass Wars (in revision and needs some illustrations) Dez Jackson (Middle Grade Mysteries) The last three are all middle grade novels.
6. Would you rather have a bunch of friends or one close friend?
One close friend. I'm an introvert. Keeping to myself is my nature. I've had (and still have) very extroverted jobs/positions and it's exhausting! So, I know a lot of people, but at the end of the day, I'm good with my small, inner circle of people.
7. If you weren't a writer, what would your career be?
I've always been a writer, even in my other profession as a training & development specialist. For the past 12 years, I've owned a tea company. More recently, I began substitute teaching. Doing things one at a time isn't in my nature. I like variety and a challenge. I'm an entrepreneur and authorpreneur.
8. Any advice for young readers and writers?
Read a lot. Write a lot. I used to believe that my first draft of just about anything I wrote was fine. It wasn't. Learn to enjoy the revision process. Seek feedback from people whom you respect and who will be honest with you. Writing is simply another skill to learn.
9. Any other interesting facts/info about you?
I used to be a mime. French is my second language, but I can't speak it fluently anymore. (I'm working on that!) The piano is my favorite instrument, but reading music is my Moriarty. Martial arts, specifically Hapkido, is one of my favorite things to study and practice. I host three different podcasts: Back Porch Writer, Womanly Art of Self-defense, and Indie Author Hour with Hardy Lebel. And I can juggle. A little.
Thank you Ms. Miller!
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