Thursday, November 5, 2015

BOOK REVIEW: The Next Great Rock Star by Ann Herrick


Jason is ready to ditch his best friends in his quest for fame and fortune!

When Jason and his friends form a garage band, they call it "No Frills" because they want to keep it real--even when they enter a band contest and pressures to alter their image mount. Then one day, due to a close encounter with lightning, Jason's life changes in a big way--but is he magically cooler or is it just his perception?

As he goes from blah to cool, his head swells as he takes his fifteen minutes of fame too seriously. His too-busy mother and fortune-telling grandmother don't get through to him. Even maybe-more-than-a-friend Layla is ready to give up on Jason, especially when he starts flirting with much-older Mindy. Only a rescued kitten keeps him even remotely grounded. It isn't until he loses the friendships with the band mates he once counted on that he realizes he has a major problem, and he worries it might be too late to fix it.

REVIEW BY: Angel, age 12 years, 7 days until 13!


Ann Herrick's new short novel was absolutely awesome and very interesting!

This book is about a boy who got struck by lightning and became cool and the lead singer in his band over night. It was without a doubt hysterical. 

My favorite character is Kyle because he is funny and always wants the attention. My favorite part is when Jason starts having feelings for Rhett, his cat! 

This book was fun to read and easy to love! 

I recommend this book to the "next great rock stars". 

I give this book 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 9 to 11. 

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